I believe that you have to earn the right to sell and I also believe that social media shouldn’t be a sales pitch so when I look at the JK5, it’s that handshake and introduction into who you are and what you’re about while gently exposing people to what you offer. These categories give you the ability to show in a way that gives you a system to follow for the days you’re not sure to post but it also gives you the freedom to swap out the pillars when you become passionate or curious about something different. One thing to note as we talk about the JK5 framework is that it’s not set in stone, it’s meant to be fluid and to evolve and grow with you as you grow and change. My JK5 method is a great way to give yourself purposeful boundaries to what you’re sharing, and it gives you a highly effective roadmap and a super simple process to follow. But, there can also be blurred lines really quickly, right? Where does the brand end and the human begin? It’s a question I asked myself a lot this past year - where do you draw the line of human vs. I don’t think that anyone can build a successful business these days without the desire to show up authentically, and a lot of that comes down to the things you share online and the way you show up. You guys know that I’m all about real-life and sharing value on my feed. The big idea? Pick 4 categories that resonate or connect and pick 1 category that sells. It’s the method of Gary V’s with the jab, jab, jab, right hook or the idea that you’re focusing on serving and connecting before you ever go to sell.Īs you choose your 5 categories, you’ll want to focus on topics that you feel really passionate about and that you love, and they’re going to be those areas that truly allow you to connect with people. It’s giving your brand pillars that people come to know you for while you create connection through the main topics you cover, having only one of the chosen 5 being about your actual paid offer. The bottom line: the JK5 is all about choosing 5 areas or topics of your life and your business that you want to share regularly and then rotating through those 5 topics in your feed. Often times when we have an offer or we’re starting a business, we think that marketing means we’re constantly selling and featuring our product but when you do that, you’re only reaching people who know and understand that they need what you’re selling and you’re missing out on the opportunity of building a relationship and creating connection with people who might not yet understand what you do or how your offer could be the right fit for them. The JK5 is the way to build a true brand, not just a business. The goal of the JK5 is to make sure you have a multidimensional feed that is focused on serving and connection over selling, that you’re building something bigger than just the product you sell or the outcome of your efforts. The JK5 is my favorite method EVER for sharing intentionally in those little squares on Instagram, and it’ll change things for you on a lot of levels. If you’re ready to seriously rock Instagram this year, let’s dive on in. It’s not as hard as we’d like to sometimes make it. If you’re ready to harness the power for what I forecast as the top methods to drive results on the platform in the new year, stick with me.

There’s nothing more important to me than showing up for all of you-and for myself-and there’s also some serious business pluses to growing our engagement and staying present online. More than that, I’m excited to continue using it as a space to provide value when it comes to sharing my personal journey with entrepreneurship, motherhood, and life. I’ve always looked at the platform as more than just marketing as a place to share my legacy and write my version of my story from business success to Coco’s first words to long bike rides along the lake. This year, I’m looking at Instagram as I usually do: it’s one of my absolute favorite places to connect with people, engage with my followers, glean insight and share takeaways of important life moments. As we all roll into 2021, there’s not a better time to reevaluate your Instagram strategy and find ways to level up for the new year.